information for transformational people

tranquiliti 246Tranquiliti - wellbeing of students at the heart of school strategy

From an article by Tranquiliti.

There is growing recognition that we need new, preventative strategies for mental health, and that schools should play a key role in this. Mental health is the top concern for two-thirds of headteachers but wellbeing is still peripheral in school strategy.

Schools are focused on the academic success of their students, but it is well understood that positive wellbeing is fundamental to a child’s ability to learn and succeed in later life. We need to support the both wellbeing and academics within individual schools so that staff can make decisions which foster both.

Tranquiliti is a digital service, partnering with organisations such as The Children's Society, that places the wellbeing and experiences of students at the core of school strategy. They generate student-led insights into key drivers of academic success, while directly supporting students’ flourishing.

Each student receives an app to help them to understand themselves and grow. The app builds a validated picture of each student’s wellbeing, and allows them to give feedback on their experiences at school. If necessary, students are signposted onto resources and support, both inside and outside of school.

Most importantly, the information generated is analysed alongside key school data, and eventually, data from across the Tranquiliti network. This ensures future strategic decisions account for the importance of wellbeing in advancing school performance.

Schools are not new to data-led decision making. They increasingly make decisions on the basis of academic, behavioural and attendance data, and digital technologies are being designed to gather more nuanced, academic data and help schools make more informed decisions. However, these data-points are outcomes. They are records of what has happened, with little predictive capacity and actionable potential for schools.

On the other hand, the wellbeing and experiences of students at school are key drivers of future success as they predict and influence these outcomes. These are the data-points that should be at the heart of school strategy as they are what enable students to learn and flourish.

No digital service in the UK currently supports every student to grow and be happy, while supporting schools to make fully-informed decision through collecting this vital data. Tranquiliti fills this space. Schools can support students to understand their mental health, and access support earlier than they otherwise would. They are piloting their technology with schools now. They would love to increase their network of schools to help them further understand the needs of students and staff.

Schools can become hubs for the improvement of wellbeing and the prevention of mental health problems. This means issues don’t worsen, students avoid crisis, and pressure is alleviated from overwhelmed mental health services and schools.

See their website here.

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From an article by Tranquiliti, 04/12/2019

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