information for transformational people

Diversity 3 246Diversity, equality, and inclusion measurement tool 

From an article by The Big Issue

Big Issue Invest has designed a free Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (“DEI”) measurement tool to support organisations to accurately measure and report against indicators related to organisational diversity and equality. This tool is purely to support organisations who would like more guidance on how to measure their internal diversity characteristics either for internal use, reporting to funders, or to publicise to their supporters and key stakeholders.

It can also be used to identify where there may be any power imbalances in decision-making, where representation lies for key groups or communities an organisation is seeking to serve, and it may indicate whether any barriers exist for certain groups in accessing services.

By sharing this tool, Big Issue Invest hope to encourage organisations to collect and share their own diversity data and use it within their own decision-making around DEI practices and policies.

The three different sections of this tool are as follows:

  1. Measuring representation & diversity within your organisation's leadership team, board and staff.
  2. Measuring the diversity of your beneficiaries/clients.
  3. Calculating your gender and ethnicity pay gap.

The tool is freely available for any organisation to use and can be downloaded from the Big Issue Invest website at the link below.

Read the full article here.

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From an article by The Big Issue, 24/11/2021

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