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Articles (75 found)

Inside the UK’s first open-access, pay-as-you-go factory 
A 32,000-square-foot converted warehouse fully kitted out with £1.3M worth of manufacturing equipment. There's a flexible membership structure which has attracted a community of 1000 makers.
Imposter syndrome 
Impostor-related thoughts and feelings lead to unproductive behaviours which are costly to individuals and their organisation. An estimated 70% of achievers - men and women - have experienced impostor syndrome.
Alternative Walking Tours - Invisible Cities 
Invisible Cities is a social enterprise that trains people affected by homelessness to become walking tour guides of their own city. The training focuses on confidence building, public speaking and customer service.
God in a construction company 
5 lessons and counting from leaders who have given a company to God and are stewarding it... Listening and obedience, united prayer, wise counsel, trust and rest, fathering..
The demand for spiritual care in the private sector 
The boundary between HR and chaplaincy is that chaplains have to be neutral. That ability is critical so that they can move in and out in a liminal way (occupy a position on both sides of a boundary).
This is My Place: Fatima's Story 
Fatima was married with three daughters and was working for the NHS in Cardiff. But sadly, throughout her marriage, she experienced domestic abuse. She divorced and had no home to go to...
Why the dignity of work is at the heart of civic and spiritual renewal 
Work is a spiritual activity, following literally in the footsteps of a carpenter, through which the worker collaborates with the Creator “for the redemption of humanity”.
Tools to reduce age bias in recruitment
Older workers (defined as aged 50+) make up approximately one third of the workforce, yet face numerous disadvantages during the recruitment process. Here are 3 tools to to minimise age bias...
Tpel - an entrepreneur's story
"It’s a journey, but I’m learning to lean into the Lord, to manage my time and prioritise tasks to make it manageable. Because I believe running a business is like...
Zero Gravity 
Students selected for their accelerators come from backgrounds and areas where reaching a top university is more of a challenge than an inevitability. According to UCAS, they are twice as likely to achieve top university places.
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