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Articles (126 found)

Confronting the toll of hook-up culture
The consequences are tangible psychological distress, embarrassment, loss of respect, distrust, difficulties with maintaining steady relationships, STDs, depression, anxiety. We need to model something different.
Reminiscing with your child 
Reminiscing with children at various ages benefits the children linguistically, cognitively, emotionally, and academically.
What responsibility do parents have for their children's mental health? 
There is a belief in many parents who come for guidance that children are the problem. “Fix my child." They can’t see how their behaviour, style or issues may impact their child.
The first 1001 days
Children’s development in the early years sets them on a positive trajectory. Children’s development at just 22 months has been shown to predict their qualifications at 26 years.
The courage of parenting if you have a history of trauma 
On one hand you want your children to get what you didn’t, have opportunities you didn’t have. On the other, you worry that they don’t appreciate what they have and won’t get strengths you have.
Is the decline in children's independent activity one cause of decline in their mental well-being? 
Over last 60 years, understanding has shifted from children as competent, responsible and resilient to focusing on children’s needs for supervision, protection.
The devastating effect of divorce or separation on Adverse Childhood Experiences 
Individuals, communities, society pay a huge cost due to ACEs - wasted lives, premature death, anti-social behaviour, + healthcare, justice, education, social services costs.
10 ways to practice Positive Childhood Experiences at Christmas 
The season can present times of stress and pressure, but no matter what you celebrate, believe, practice, this season can offer big and small opportunities to create positive memories.
Your toddler was born to help 
Research suggests that all children are naturally helpful, and parents play a crucial role in keeping it this way. The caveat is that it has to be real help, or else it could later backfire. There are lasting benefits.
The effects of harsh parenting 
Research shows that harsh parenting, such as hitting or shouting, may have a damaging effect on children’s behaviour and emotional development. This can lead to a self-perpetuating loop...
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