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Articles (39 found)

A mother’s answered prayer 
At 16, Cindy started dating a young man and found herself pregnant. After months of painful decision making, she decided that adoption was the best route. Her son Tom was born and she held him for four days and prayed..
God in a construction company 
5 lessons and counting from leaders who have given a company to God and are stewarding it... Listening and obedience, united prayer, wise counsel, trust and rest, fathering..
Pressing into prayer for revival 
"I've seen a vision of England, and over her I can see spots of light. Light. City after city. I believe God is going to raise up an army of light all over the nation." Let's believe. Let's constantly press in prayer.
Your Workspace Matters 
Your physical workspace has spiritual significance. You carry the presence of God into the workplace. It can be a surprisingly hostile place as a result. So how can you pray effectively over that space?
Three phases of revival
Teo Hayashi continually sees hearts awakened and thousands of people give their lives to Christ. He shares from experience growing up in the mission field of Brazil and what he believes are the three phases of true revival.
5 life lessons from Mother Teresa 
1. Never Quit. She persevered throughout all the adversities that she knew in her life. 2. Embrace the Power of Prayer. She said that if you're too busy to pray, you're too busy. For her, it all began with prayer. ..More
“You feed them” 
Jesus’s challenge to his disciples. Today, at any one time, Saltbox’s 50 staff and 40+ volunteers are helping almost 500 needy local people with housing, loneliness and debt. Changing the world one life at a time..
Embedding spiritual practices and seeing the benefits 
"What impact would we see if we taught a group of disciples some tailor-made spiritual practices with a whole-life focus, and helped them integrate those practices into their lives?" 10 observations..
That Night, I Had A Dream 
I said to God, “Jesus if you’re real, I need to see you”. That night when I was sleeping, I had a dream. I was standing in a courtroom and I was waiting to be judged...
Overcoming generational poverty 
Ruth Beltran was at the end of herself. After leaving an abusive relationship, a single mother of six struggling to make ends meet. She was living in a car with her children. Then she met the Salvation Army and all changed.
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Events (2 found)

In-Person - City Reachers 2024 - Coventry
@St John's Westwood, Coventry
From Kairos Connexion. The next in-person gathering for of City Reachers network. This will be with Jeff Vanderstelt and Todd Milby from the US. We will be reviewing progress since last year and will be getting fresh input to help us develop our city reaching strategies. We’ll be identifying blockages and keys to moving forward. We will also be taking some deeper dives into more of the 5 identified priorities of; Citywide Prayer, Disciple Making Strategies, Leader Health, Serving The City, Multiplying Churches
Online - Global day of prayer for the media, arts and entertainment
Media are storytellers who have influence, and set the tone and direction of important cultural conversations.
‘The Media’ is people. We support those called to serve in Christian, secular media, arts and entertainment.
Pray for truth, integrity and justice in a world crying out for God’s love, grace and compassion. 
From east to west, as the sun rises to greet the new day, we will pray. Join us for the first ever 24 hour livestream global day of prayer for the media, arts and entertainment. On Sunday October 27 we will unite together. Hosts from around the world will take turns to lead us. And guest speakers representing the diverse media arena and Christian denominations across the continents will encourage and inspire our prayers.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.