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Articles (34 found)

Harnessing AI for social impact
The intersection of AI and social impact presents extraordinary opportunities for positive change. Improving efficiency, optimizing resource allocation, developing innovative products, and helping better decision-making.
Solutions Journalism
Solutions Journalism investigates and explains, in a critical and clear-eyed way, how people try to solve widely shared problems instead of “what’s gone wrong" journalism. Changing the culture. A guide..
The future of Christian social action
Has enthusiasm for social action led Church to become a handmaid of the state? Have projects been effective at reducing poverty? Have they been an effective way of witnessing Christian faith? What needs to change?
Food as freedom 
The ability to know where your next meal is coming from is empowering. If you don't know how to answer that question, as the hunger pains increase, you will do whatever you can to get food on the table.
Services based on relationships to fix our social problems
"I want to tell you about Ella. Ella is stuck. She has lived with crisis for 40 years. There were 73 different services on offer for her. 73 services run out of 24 departments in one city.."
How are adults coming to faith in the UK? 
Big themes for churches to explore. 1. Friendship. 2. Digital. 3. Mercy ministry and gospel. 4. Hospitality. 5. The Bible. 6. Prayer and dreams... More details..
The Neighbourhood Storyteller
Asma started thinking that the refugee community in the camp needed to work together to change things. She saw potential and thought there was something to be done. She always loved reading and she always loved stories....
5 life lessons from Mother Teresa 
1. Never Quit. She persevered throughout all the adversities that she knew in her life. 2. Embrace the Power of Prayer. She said that if you're too busy to pray, you're too busy. For her, it all began with prayer. ..More
Church at a crossroads: 6 lessons from the United Reformed Church 
A snapshot of URC today, exploring its identity rooted in practice, what flourishing looks like, what resources exist or need to be sought, what barriers there are to future flourishing.
Overcoming generational poverty 
Ruth Beltran was at the end of herself. After leaving an abusive relationship, a single mother of six struggling to make ends meet. She was living in a car with her children. Then she met the Salvation Army and all changed.
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Events (1 found)

In-Person and Online - Churches that Change Communities - Liverpool
@Frontline Church Liverpool, Frontline Centre, 147 Lawrence Road, Wavertree, Liverpool,
Change is possible. Sometimes that is hard to believe. Hoping for change – in the lives of those we support and in the systems that hold them down – can be draining over time. Often change takes a lot longer than we would like.
Perhaps that is why the Bible says “let us not grow weary in doing good” – God knows that pouring ourselves into deeds of mercy and justice is hard. It can be exhilarating and joyful, but it can also be exhausting, frustrating and disappointing.
Our aim at Churches that Change Communities 2024 is to provide a place where we can be refreshed in God and inspired again to believe that change really is possible – in our own lives, for the people we serve, for our churches, our neighbourhoods, and our nation.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please contact us. Sign up for email here.