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Articles (18 found)

Food as freedom 
The ability to know where your next meal is coming from is empowering. If you don't know how to answer that question, as the hunger pains increase, you will do whatever you can to get food on the table.
Ancient practice of raising animals and growing trees and pasture on same piece of land. Combats climate change well ahead of solar panels, recycling , etc. Pastures with trees sequester 5 to 10 times as much carbon as treeless ones.
Tiny farms
Sparking the creation of a swarm of biointensive microfarms that can be run by people with other jobs. Clusters of these farms can supply regional food to supermarkets, caterers, schools, etc within a radius of 50 miles.
Cooking lessons as youthwork?
'Chopped Jr' consists of physical activity, cooking, measuring, kitchen equipment, reading recipes, budgeting, cooking techniques. It ends with a competition where the chefs make a meal for the judges.
Buying local - food
In Colombia, a law mandates all gov. agencies that buy food eg hospitals, schools, etc., buy a min of 30% of food from local small holders/farms. Addresses rural poverty, cuts food miles, helps food security, creates local markets.
Allows refugee chefs to have a pop-up kitchen for a day a week and cook the food from their country. They keep the proceeds and pay a below market rate for the kitchen hire. It helps them develop skills and prove their ideas.
Have foodbanks politicised kindness?
A great initiative but the relationship between the donor and receiver is broken-a loss to community life. Such acts of kindness are institutionalised, more transactional and politicised. What can we do to improve this?
Let's continue to build community - food provision
In local efforts re food donations, are we focused on supermarkets? In efforts to cook meals, are we focused on charity kitchens? Including small high street retailers + restaurants would help our towns..
Aiming to help one billion people reduce food wastage 
Olio's app prevents food waste by connecting neighbours with each other and with local businesses so surplus food can be shared, not thrown away.
Community fridges
More than 50 Community Fridges have popped up across the UK helping thousands connect to their communities, access nutritious food, save money and reduce waste.
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Events (1 found)

Online - Feast of Fun: Running holiday food and activity clubs
How can your church get involved in providing much-needed school holiday food and activities?
Members from CUF's Together Network will share their learnings and experiences from a number of successful programmes. Join to talk practically about how this could work with your resources, funding, paperwork, partnerships, planning, as well as be inspired by the impact these programmes are already having for families and communities around the country.

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