information for transformational people

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A mother’s answered prayer 
At 16, Cindy started dating a young man and found herself pregnant. After months of painful decision making, she decided that adoption was the best route. Her son Tom was born and she held him for four days and prayed..
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Becoming the Church that Jesus comes back for - part 2
The work the Lord is doing is not reformation but re-founding of Church on Jesus - bringing us back to first love. To deeper devotion and dependency. There are no well worn paths..
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What information, if it were flowing through the people of your community,
would start them on a journey together toward really strong, healthy living?

Could your church take up the Resilience Challenge? See more here.

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Can AI be ethical? 
As AI becomes advanced and integrated into aspects of society, it is crucial to address potential ethical implications of its use. There is a consensus that development of ethically aligned AI systems is imperative. Some insights..
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Understanding spiritual and religious abuse in the context of intimate partner violence 
Such abuse is when spiritual or religious beliefs are used to hurt, scare or control someone. Religious leaders often inadequately equipped to respond effectively.
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Bringing social entrepreneurship to schools 
Students greatly benefit from engaging in an entrepreneur project, including practicing various approaches to learning skills, enhancing financial literacy, and developing perseverance and resilience.
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Becoming the church that Jesus comes back for - part 1
If you look at church history, you can see moments of seismic shifts in what the Church looked like. 500 years ago, it was the Reformation. If I'm and others are right, this is one of those moments..
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Imposter syndrome 
Impostor-related thoughts and feelings lead to unproductive behaviours which are costly to individuals and their organisation. An estimated 70% of achievers - men and women - have experienced impostor syndrome.
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The case for getting and staying married 
People who get married and have children today lead happier and more prosperous lives on average, than people who are single and childless. In fact, nothing predicts happiness in life better than a good marriage.
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Should adolescents start school later? 
Various pilot programs have found that later secondary school start times may help students get more sleep, feel less depressed, attend school more, and achieve higher grades. But it depends on..
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Discipling a million 
Story of a website that had over 50M visitors last year, all seeking answers to hard questions about life and God. 1M visitors found a link saying they invited Jesus into their life and wanted info to get discipled.
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Alternative Walking Tours - Invisible Cities 
Invisible Cities is a social enterprise that trains people affected by homelessness to become walking tour guides of their own city. The training focuses on confidence building, public speaking and customer service.
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An innovation process for a town/city
Towns/cities today must respond effectively to the needs of increased urbanisation. To do this, they need to learn, embrace an innovation process in their practices that involves local people and others. An example..
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Reminiscing with your child 
Reminiscing with children at various ages benefits the children linguistically, cognitively, emotionally, and academically.
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Experiencing a whole church Bible reading week 
A church decided to undertake an adventure in the form of a whole church Bible reading week. On each day of the chosen week, the plan offered a choice of specified Bible passages. So how did the church react?
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How companies can support survivors of domestic abuse 
There is more awareness of the workplace impacts of domestic violence and abuse. Access a Toolkit that offers a roadmap for businesses to support survivors of domestic violence.
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The root of social connections in a community 
Community building is about the vitality of connections, not tasks they perform or possessions they accrue. Such vitality is most evident in the quality of relationships rather than the quality of projects.
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What responsibility do parents have for their children's mental health? 
There is a belief in many parents who come for guidance that children are the problem. “Fix my child." They can’t see how their behaviour, style or issues may impact their child.
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